October 05, 2011

3rd Annual AE Pumpkin Carving Contest!


It's that spooky time of year again and in my first ever Design Notes post (muahahaha!) I am super duper excited to announce the 3rd Annual AE Pumpkin Carving Contest! BoooOOOooOoo!

Something wicked this way comes... Mogloween fast approaches! We're calling out to you, Heroes, for somewicked cool AE-themed pumpkin carvings!

The past two years have shown that you guys are INCREDIBLE carvers. Check them out for inspiration; 2009 Pumpkins & 2010 Pumpkins!

Starting RIGHT NOW, we'll be taking submissions over at the forums. This contest ends Monday, October 31st. Winners will be announced on the Design Notes and the Forums on Friday, November 4th!

Like the previous years, the Grand Prize winner(s) will receive 5,000 AdventureCoins and additional prizes may be awarded to other groovy gourds!

How does one enter, Samba? WELL, first you take a step to the left, and then a jump to the right...

Wait-wait that's not it! These rules and guidelines are simple but MUST be followed accordingly for your entry to be considered eligible:

• Your pumpkin MUST be carved BY YOU! 

• Only ONE photo submitted per person, please. 

• Your pumpkin MUST be your own ORIGINAL WORK! Any work that is copied via Internet and/or Stencils or simply Copy-Pasted of some supreme pumpkin-carving legend will lead to an automatic DISQUALIFICATION. 

• Your pumpkin MUST be carved in an AE theme. Check out pumpkins from 2009 and 2010!! 

• Include an index card or a piece of paper with ONLY your AQW Character Name--this way we really know it's made by you, and so we can award you with AC prizes if you win! Make sure your AQW name is readable and legible! 

• Your pumpkin carving can relate to anything from AdventureQuest Worlds or any other Artix Entertainment game! 

• Your canvas must be a pumpkin or another form of squash and/or gourd. 

• The photo of your carved pumpkin must be of the Highest Quality—the bigger and more clear the picture, the better! Make sure that you provide a VALID URL to your photo. Try using a reliable photo uploader like Photobucket, TinyPic or Twitpic. 

• You have until 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 31st to submit a photo of your carved pumpkin! 

Questions? Ready to submit? Go haunt the Pumpkin Carving Contest Thread!

Carve on!

Tags: Mogloween contest pumpkin Samba

They Might Be SocksOctober 03, 2011

TMBG Birthday FunThey Might Be Giants in AQW's 3rd Birthday Two-Week Event!If you follow some of our Twitter accounts then you already know that It's AQW's 3rd Birthday and we have some GIANT treats in store! The band THEY MIGHT BE GIANTSwill be joining us in a two week adventure filled with space and time travel and awesome music!

If you've never heard of 
They Might Be Giants then you're missing out! They are the coolest and strangest alt rock band out there! Zazul, Rolith and I are especially HUGE fans of the band but everyone here at AE loves them.

Really guys, we've brought you a few bands that not too many people have heard of before but They Might Be Giants is NOT one of them! If song titles like "Birdhouse In Your Soul", "Ana Ng", "Dr. Worm""Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun Is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)"and "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" don't get you singing then you don't know what you're missing. Don't worry... we'll fix that for you :)

The special event starts on Friday October 14th at 6:00 PM Server Time (EST)! We will have even more information for you as we get closer to the Birthday Event!

THIS WEEK: Taco Day and Mogloween Review!First things first, tomorrow is National Taco Day. This holiday celebrates everything taco and all of it's many varried forms. Macho Taco will show up in Battleon tomorrow and stay for one week (until next Tuesday). Once again he is offering the absolutely delicious tacomancer armor and the rest of the taco seasonal rares!

Then, on Friday AQW's spookiest event begins. When the strange, creepy town of Mystcroft appears then you knowMogloween is getting close! This Friday we will be releasing all of the previous years Mogloween events to let you get caught up.

We'll keep those up during the two week Birthday Event, then on Friday, October 28th we will release this year's ALL NEW Mogloween event with expanded storyline AND all new items!Remember, you won't be able to play this year's Mogloween without completing all the previous years' adventures!

Quibble Leaving TODAY!Quibble isn't gone yet but he will only remain in Battleon for a little while longer. This is your VERY LAST CHANCE to get this year's TLPD rares!

3rd Upholder Time!Now that October has actually arrived, the weather is starting to cool down, the days are getting shorter and it'sUpholder Time in AQW!

October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades (as long as your upgrade expires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011) will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword!(The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)

Did You Get Your Free Member Keys?It's a new month and that means AQW Members get 2 FREE Magic Treasure Chest keys from Twilly in Battleon! Some of you had a small bug this weekend when trying to get your keys if you had them in your bank. The engine can't merge items in your Inventory AND your Bank which resulted in you getting nothing and not being able to do the quest again.

Have no fear! Zhoom was able to reset the quests for each of you that encountered this bug so you can now complete your quest and get your two free keys (Just remember to take them out of the bank and put them in your inventory first).

If you DO forget again, we've added a new pop up to remind you to get your keys out of the bank. Just keep the Item Accept Box open until you have moved them unto your inventory, then click YES on the box.

Now, I'm just going to go freak out for a second



Tags: Cysero TMBG Taco Day Mogloween 3rd Upholder

Explosion MakerSeptember 30, 2011

Lore is Under Attack!SkyGuard: Assemble and Defend!BOOOOOM! The SkyPirate offensive has been launched! Rally the remaining SkyGuard leaders so that they can assemble their crews! They've got to stop the SkyPirates from attacking, because Arcangrove, Swordhaven, Citadel, BattleOn, Lolosia and many more cities are being bombed RIGHT NOW!

Oh no! Arcangrooooooove!

While they do that, you've been ordered to guard the Department of Strategization; it holds many top-secret state documents, experimental artillery, and all sorts of things that King Alteon doesn't want the SkyPirates to get ahold of! So it's just your luck that the SkyPirates are attacking there, too! Defend the DoS (a denial of satisfaction defense is your best offense!) and take down the SkyPirates!

You'll need to take out Pirates, kill them to gain the stolen Alarm codes to activate the Alarm system, and take down their leader! You also REALLY want to find the pieces of the SkyPirate map which will lead you to their hideout! Also available: a SkyShip chase minigame will allow you to fly the unfriendly skies while dodging bombs and TNT. (Don't let them get away with the state secrets!)

And last but not least, head up to the DoS roof and take on the SkyPirates swaming into the building! If you can kill 100 of them there, you'll unlock a member-only character page achievement: SkyPirate Slayer!

Sky-High SkyGuard Rewards!We've got some first class SkyGuard rewards this week! From the SkyGuard Medic Armor (rank 7) all the way to the SkyHunter Armor (rank 10) and a copious amount of cringe-inducing syringe weapons, these soldiers of the sky are flying high with all of this new equipment!

Medic and SkyHunter Armors

Limited Time Shop Starts NOW! Two EPIC armors await members in this limited time shop: the Gilded Magistrate and Magistrate Armors! Sold for1,337 gold each, you can only get your gauntleted hands on these extra-awesome armors for 48 hours! That's TWO DAYS, and the clock starts as soon as we release!

So shiny, so AU-ntense!

Treasure Chest drops: MORE Treausures!We've got a bevy of beautious new treasure chest drops for you this week! If you've been battling the last few weeks, you're almost certain to have gotten a treasure chest drop (or several!) from the monsters you're slaying! With Treasure Chest keys (get them at Twilly or free with membership!), you can unlock the amazing rewards locked inside!

The CaPwn Armor and Tommy Gun!

Also added to the chests this week:

  • CaPwn Armor, Bonnet, and Hat
  • Tommy Gun
  • Prismatic Double Scythe
  • Crimson Gladiator and Helm
  • Turtle Marauder Armor, Helm, and Shell
Suggestion Shop Update Strikes Again! We're back with another update to Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop! This week features ideas from Agyron and Gompa! 

  • Agyron's Zealith Warrior Armor - 37,500 gold (member only)
  • Gompa's 50 Excalibur - 200 ACs
News to remember!3rd Upholder starts the first day of October - that's tomorrow! Purchasing an upgrade will get you a crazy-cool character page achievement and the ever-awesome Platinum Star Sword! (Not awarded until November 4th, but it goes great with TLaPD's Platinum Naval Commander armor!) See Cysero's detailed Design Notes post for more info on this!

Quibble Coinbiter's Talk Like a Pirate Day shop will remain in BattleOn until Monday! But after that, it's gone for another year, so grab your chance to get these equips before his ship sails!

Next week we return to MystCroft as we begin the month-long Mogloween/AQW 3rd birthday combo-extravaganza-super-event! (Whew, that is a long name!) It is going to be out of this world!

 Thanks to everyone for all the get-well wishes! I am feeling much better and hope to soon return to eating solid foods. Until then, it's a steady diet of Moglinberry Juice Smoothies and Gorillaphant milk cheese for me! Have a great weekend!

Tags: Alina

September 30, 2011

Announcement coming!3rd Birthday SPECIAL MUSICAL GUESTThe Faxtron 3000 just recieved the signed piece is paper that makes our event for AQWorld's 3rd Birthday... OFFICIALLY ON! The band joining us this year is going to surprise players of many different ages. They are by far our biggest celebrity guests yet, but at the same time I would not be surprised if some of our younger players do not know them.... well, at least not yet (But, we would be very surprised if you have not heard many of their songs from the Radio, TV, and other media!) So, here is your AQWorlds lineup for October!

Coming this OCTOBER!This week (Sept 30th) SkyGuard "Lore Under Attack"
Next week (Oct 7th) The path to Mystcroft re-opens: Mogloween 2011 begins!
Then (Oct 14th) SPECIAL EVENT! Part 1 w/ Special Guest
Then (Oct 21st) SPECIAL EVENT! Part 2 w/ Special Guest
OMG... then (Oct 28th) BRAND NEW Mogloween special, super spooky release!

The Special Event will introduce a terrifying new villain to the world of Lore, and reveal things about our worlds past that will likely change... everything!

Tags: Artix 3rd Birthday Special Guest

Consciousness MakerSeptember 28, 2011

Purple Elephants on a SkyShipThat seems like a silly SkyPirate strategy...Afternoon, Heroes and Heroines and Anti-Heroes! (Not the same thing as Villains according to literary theory!) Cysero told Twitter that I would write Design Notes. Now, I didn't think that was really wise since I'm taking some medicine for pain (I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday), but I trust Cysero! He's never steered me wrong yet, except for the time he suggested I eat the snozzberry yogurt. But might have dreamed that memory.

OOOH speaking of literature, I was reading a book Monday to distract myself from the pain in my mouth and it was about Hannibal using elephants in war. And THAT led to my dream - which happened when Rolith made me take a NAP (even though I need to work and not sleep!) - which was KIND OF about the release...

In that I dreamed about the SkyGuard (visions of BattleOn, Arcangrove, Lolosia, and more exploding as SkyPirate bombs fell on them) and SkyPirates using (this is a REALLY bad idea, pirates) purple elephants to attack the SkyGuard's Department of Strategization...

which sounds like defenestration...

which means to throw out of a window...

and the eyes are the window to the soul...

and sailors say "Aye Aye Cap'n"...

and the SkyGuard are sailors of the air...

and air is in hairspray...

which they use to style beehive bouffants...

which sounds like elephants...

that the SkyPirates want to purple! It all makes SENSE!@!!!


The TV and the DVR are glaring at me with malice in their beady little red LEDs. They're going to get me, and Rolith's out getting more juice! Oh NOOOOO!

I'm gonna need a Hero! And the SkyGuard are holding on for a Hero 'til the end of the Flight! You've gotta be brave, gotta /unsheath at the sight of SkyPirates as they start to fight!

Members will get a chance to be Heroes and earn 
a SkyPirate Slayer character page badge this Friday!

I need a heeeeeeee-rooooooo-oooooo! Don't need teeth to sing. Success!


Also successful (we think) will be this Friday's Limited Time Shop (member-only items sold for gold)! Cysero talked about that here. Cysero talks about a lot of things (he is REALLY smart! No joke.), and this is one of the ones you should definitely remember to pay attention to.

If you follow that link, you'll ALSO get to learn, or to remember if you've already learned it, about the update to the Treasure Chests this week! We're not going to stop filling those until you have HUNDREDS of items to collect!(That is a HUGE chest! Perhaps it is a Treasure Chest of Holding. HAH! D&D reference. I love being a nerd.)

We will also TRY to update the Player Suggestion shop. It depends on how much time we have.

Ok. Ok. Talk about the SkyGuard release. Talk about the Limited Time Shop. Talk about the Treasure Chest update. Talk about the Suggestion Shop. Check. Check. Check. Check. ... Check please! I'm checkin' out, it's nap time!

I'll leave you with a pretty pretty picture:

Rolith bought me lovely flowers but the cats eated them.

Tags: Alina Purple Elephants Wisdom Teeth SkyGuardLTS Treasure Chest Suggestion Shop Flowers Cats Killer TV-DVR combos

Lag-adinSeptember 28, 2011

Zhoom vs. Lag MonsterBlowing lag to bits.. 01010011010Even the Chaos Lords know the most dreaded monster in our world is Lag. Oddly,  few people know there are two types of lag monsters. 1st is Lag from Flash trying to draw our artists' awesomely detailed armors and weapons at 24 frames per second. AQWorlds art has really evolved! The solution for this graphics lag is to hire worse artists. (Someone please make a note of this.) The 2nd type of Lag is server lag. That is… when you click a button to do anything from battle a monster to open a shop, our servers and database do crazy things to make sure everyone else sees what you are doing. This is the most complicated part of the game and the part most prone to problems. Have you ever experienced lag spikes, “midnight lag,” or got booted from the server for no reason? It is ALL because of Lag #2 (Server Lag). 

This Lag is Elemental!

Zhoom spent the last two weeks rewriting huge chunks of the server and database. As of yesterday combat should be smoother, those lag spikes should be pretty much gone, and midnight lag - once and for all - should be completely gone! Meanwhile, Yorumi and Reens have been working on the graphics lag by going through every cell of every map looking for laggy things and fixing them. Currently, the worst offender is the Mana Golem in /join elemental which drops us down to 4 frames per second when we battle him in a group. You can try this for yourself. Oh, and do not worry, the suggestion of letting me redraw him as a stick figure was vetoed. These server improvements are being made in preparation of the new classes which will be coming in October and the new features we are going to begin working on. *coughs* Guilds *coughs* We are also going to be adding TWO new servers in anticipation of the upcoming AQWorlds Birthday Event. Battle on!

P.S. Because of a promise I had made, Quibble will be in BattleOn until Monday, not Friday.

Tags: Artix

SockshotSeptember 26, 2011

Screenshot Contest WinnersCongratulations To All Who Won!Earlier today Ai No Miko updated the Screenshots pagewith the new screenshots! Excellent job, heroes! We had a really hard time selecting winners, and we want to thank everyone who entered! For a  list of winners, please click the picture below or click THIS LINK.

Winners will receive their prizes today! There are also four winners in the Humor category who will receive a small reward, as well! Thanks to everyone who entered!

THIS WEEKEND: Member Only Skyguard Storyline Continues!Treachery and subterfuge are the order of the day! We left not knowing whether the SkyGuard High Command was safe after being attacked in the Land of Dreams and Nightmares. This week you find out what happened to them, and what is in store for Lore! (Hint: Lots and lots of explosions!)

Head to the Department of Strategization to help plan the Skyguard's next move. But beware, because the SkyPirates have teamed up with other SkyPirate flights (if a group of butterflies is a flutter and a group of camels is a flock (?!), then a group of SkyPirates is a flight.) and they are pressing forward with their attack!

We will also be opening our next LIMITED TIME SHOP for Members this weekend. You will be able to see the time ticking down until this special Member Only Armor goes rare!

On a smaller front we also hope to add items to both the Player Suggestion shop and the Treasure Chests this weekend. LOTS of items coming your way either way as we head into October and start to celebrate AdventureQuest Worlds' 3rd Birthday!

Speaking Of BirthdaysIt's almost 3rd Upholder time again!

October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who
 upgrades (as long as your upgrade exxpires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011) will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword!(The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)

Last Chance for TLPD Items.Just a little reminder that Quibble will be leaving THIS FRIDAY and talking all of this year's Talk Like A Pirate Day rares with him.

If there's something in there that you want and haven't gotten yet, this is your last chance. THESE ITEMS WILL NEVER RETURN!

Tags: SkyGuard Limited TIme Shop contest 3rd UpholderCysero

Seige MakerSeptember 23, 2011

Bloodtusk Under Siege!Good and Evil Take Over the Ravine!Fear of Chaos is tearing apart both the Horcs and Trolls! King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn, worried over whispers escaping from the Ravine, have sent their diplomats to take over, instituting martial law.

With the Alliance's Army controlling the Ravine - the Horcs and Trolls are afraid they will be unable to protect themselves from the Chaos Lord, whoever they may be!

Kagg and Sokrakiis call on YOU, Hero, to help them save their homes, their families, and a mysterious Ore that is sacred to them all. Will you defy your long-time allies to help your newest friends? And Drakath's minions... what chaotic Twin-terference have THEY been up to?

This week has some AWESOME rewards AND a member-only area of the map to battle high-exp and gold monsters! (This area also has increased drop rates for quest items and item rewards!)

Troll Rep Shop:

  • Troll Warrior Armor
  • Trollinator Cape
  • Trollinator Helms
Horc Rep Shop:

  • Horc Peacekeeper Armor
  • Horcinating Cape
  • Peacekeeper Hat
Troll Defiance Shop:

  • Pride and Glory
  • Troll's Last Stand
Horc Defiance Shop:

  • Granite Rippers
  • Mauling Stick
And even more rewards from Khasaanda and Zot in the /join ravinetemple map!

New Treasure Chest Rewards!Treasure Chests just keep dropping! And THIS week there's NEW items in them! We're going to keep adding new items to the Treasure Chest reward drop pool until we have hundreds! And this week we bring you the Onikage Armor and Helm!

Noteworthy News!Quibble Coinbiter's Talk Like a Pirate Day Shop is staying for another week! Grab your doubloons and loot his shop or he'll make you walk the plank. Yarrrr!
The Bloodtusk AC War Rare shops are GONE! Those epic items are gone for good! We also removed all of the Chaorrupted Troll Boss drops except the pets.

3rd Upholder is Coming!October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)

What comes next for Bloodtusk?If you're really going to help the Trolls and Horcs, it looks like you're going to need to take on the Alliance! But the Twins -and Drakath - aren't going to make that easy. Nor are they going to stop fomenting Chaos between the Horcs and Trolls! And what of the mysterious Chaos Lord? You'll find out! Join us next week for more of the ravages of fear, loathing, and Chaos in Bloodtusk Ravine!

If you can't do quests for this week:Then you'll need to follow these steps:

If you can't do Kagg's quests in the ravinetemple map, then here's what you need to do:

Head back to the Crossroads zone, and talk to Rawg (all the way to the right and up):

1) Accept the Oracle quest from Rawg.
2) Answer the Oracle's questions in the middle of the ravine. 
*** Then follow the rest of the steps below.

If you've already done the Oracle's quest (answered her questions) for the Horcs, do this:

3) Go and watch the Eclipse cutscene at the end of the Crossroads zone. 
4) Watch The River Runs Red in /bloodtuskwar 
5) Kill the War Boss again. 
6) Watch the cutscene, "Chaos Rages."
7) Go to /ravinetemple and do the quests!


If you can't do Sokrakiis' quests in the ravinetemplemap, then here's what you need to do:

Head back to the Crossroads zone, and talk to Druuz (all the way to the right and up):

1) Accept the Oracle quest from Druuz.
2) Answer the Oracle's questions in the middle of the ravine. 
*** Then follow the rest of the steps below.

If you've already done the Oracle's quest (answered her questions) for the Trolls, do this:

3) Go and watch the Eclipse cutscene at the end of the Crossroads zone. 
4) Watch The River Runs Red in /bloodtuskwar 
5) Kill the War Boss again. 
6) Watch the cutscene, "Chaos Scars."
7) Go to /ravinetemple and do the quests!

Tags: Alina Bloodtusk Ravine Horcs Trolls 3rd UpholderTLAPD Treasure Chest

Allied SockSeptember 22, 2011

InterferenceThe Alliance Is Coming.The Trolls and Horcs have had problems with each other for hundreds of years, but have always managed to deal with them on their own terms. Now that the rumors of the Twins appearing in Bloodtusk have reached King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn, they feel that it is their duty to step in and help the Trolls and Horcs settle their differences before a new Chaos Lord is born from the mutual hate and distrust.

General Tibias of the Shadowscythe Army and the former Pactogonal Knight, Knight Commander Cynari will arrive in Bloodtusk this Friday with a Alliance army behind them.

There is an ancient temple in Bloodtusk which hold great meaning for both the Trolls and Horcs and plays a large part in their shared history. Now, the Trolls and Horcs battle has managed to spread deep into Blookdusk Ravine and threatens to topple the Ar’Huus Temple, leaving it a pile of rubble.

We all know that Alteon and Gravelyn are dedicated to making the Alliance between Good and Evil work, (at least until the Chaorruption of Lore has been dealt with) but it just seems like trying to FORCE two ancient races to stop fighting is just adding more people to the conflict. I wonder if this is exactly the kind of chaos that the twins were sent to spread?

This release features a new expansion to Bloodtusk as well as a Member Only section of this map with high level monsters with special member only items, but there are plenty of other items in the new area and in the Horc and Troll reputation shops!

It all starts Friday!

TLPD SHOP EXTENDED!Due to a flood of requests to keep Quibble in town for another week, he has decided to stay but he WILL be leave Friday of NEXT WEEK. If you don't have your TLPD rare booty by then, then you're out of luck.

Our art team had their hands full this week so there will be NO additional items added to the shop. Sorry.

3rd Upholder Is Coming!You might have already read my 3RD UPHOLDER POST, but if you missed out... here are the finer points:

Upholders are people who help support the game buy buying Memberships during October, which is AQW's Birthmonth. First, there were Founders, next came the 1st Upholders, then last year came the 2nd Upholders and now is YOUR chance to become a 3rd Upholder!

If you buy any Membership in the month of October OR if you already have a Membership that expires ON or AFTER NOVEMBER 4th, 2011... you will be a 3rd Upholder!

3rd Upholders get the Platinum Star Sword rare weapon and a shiny 3rd Upholder Badge on their character pages to show off that you supported AQW during our 3rd Birthday.

You can use any method you like to get your Membership, even Artix Points, but it HAS TO BE A MEMBERSHIP. ACsDO NOT get you 3rd Upholder. 

You get the Character Page padge as soon as your upgrade takes effect but you don't get the Platinum Star Sword until November 4th.

Since I've been getting a ton of questions from Brazilianplayers, here it is again... em Português:

Nós temos tido mais questões do que o normal vindas de jogadores brasileiros a respeito do status de 3rd Upholder, então pensei que isso pudesse ajudar.

Para se tornar um 3rd Upholder, conseguir a 3rd Upholder Badge na sua Character Page, e a Platinum Star Sword em 4 de Novembro, você PRECISA ter uma membership (ser membro no jogo) que expire EM ou APÓS 4 de Novembro de 2011 , ou você pode simplesmente comprar uma membership (se tornar membro) a qualquer momento durante o mês de Outubro.

Você pode comprar uma membership utilizando qualquer método no site do AQW ou utilizando Artix Points, mas PRECISA ser algum tipo de membership DO AQW.AdventureCoins NÃO CONTAM. Espero que isso ajude a esclarecer um pouco da confusão, e obrigado por tudo!

Thanks For The Support!I see a some of you are already sporting your 3rd Upholder badges on your character pages. We know that there is a lot to do in AQW for free, and every Membership and AC is optional, which makes it mean so much to us that you have chosen to support AQW.

Thanks for helping to support AQW with your membership. We really appreciate every Membership and AC, which helps keep the game moving forward every week but we always want to make sure that Members get the most out of the game.

There's no denying that some of the AC items you see are great, and it can be a fantastic short cut to unlockeing some of the best classes in the game but members get tons of pets and battle pets, daily quests to make rep farm easier, some of the finest armors and items the game has to offer, special areas and member only game content, challenge fights and areas, 2 free Treasure Chest keys per month... the list keeps growing.

Members really do get the best that AQW has to offer and we work hard to make sure that you get more than your money's worth. AdventureQuest Worlds would not be possible with out you.

See you tomorrow for the weekly release!

Tags: Cysero 3rd Upholder Bloodtusk TLPD Quibble

3rd SockSeptember 20, 2011

3rd Upholders!What is an Upholder?AQW is coming up on another birthday! That's means that we are once again going to offer the chance to become an AQW Upholder (The same way that the Founders got their chance at the birth of the game and the way 1st Upholders got their chance two years ago and 2nd Upholders got the chance last year at this time)

What Does A 3rd Upholder Get?!That's easy! When you become a 3rd Upholder you get a Platinum Star Sword (it's non-member, so you can swing that sword forever and 0 ACs so you can store it for free), an achievement badge on your character page and some CRAZY bragging rights.

Those of you who have been playing for a while know that Founders already get bragging rights. They can say "I was supporting the game before you even heard of it!" and they have the fancy Platinum Dragon pet and character page achievement badge to prove it!

I'm sure you've also seen somebody with the 1st Upholder Golden Star Sword or last year's 2nd Upholder Onyx Star Sword and said to yourself... "DANG! WHY did I have to miss out on that?!"

This is YOUR chance to grab some of the spotlight for yourself (even if you're already a Founder or a 1st Upholder, 2nd Upholder or ALL THREE!)

Sounds Great! How Do I become a 3rd Upholder?!It couldn't be simpler. Become a member! 

  1.  If you are ALREADY a member and your membership expires ON or AFTER November 4th, 2011, then you're are ALREADY a 3rd Upholder. Gratz.
  2. If you help support AQW by buying ANY membershipANY TIME during the month of October (from October 1st to November 3rd) then you become a 3rd Upholder!

Matches the PNC perfectly!

I Think My Membership Already Makes Me A 3rd Upholder. How Can I Check?Also, easy. Just click the Manage Account link on the left.

As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires. Here's mine:

Or you could just check your Character Page for the 3rd Upholder Achievement Badge!

Cool! When Do I Get My Super Sweet 3rd Upholder Sword and Badge?As i just mentioned, some of you already HAVE your badges on your character pages but if not it will appears as soon as your Membership goes through. The Star Sword will magically appear in your backpack on Friday, November 4th.  If your backpack is FULL, don't worry... the Platinum Star Sword will make a temporary spot for itself. Once you remove something from your backpack it will fill in the real slot and your inventory will return to its proper size.

Only Memberships Count?Yes. You can use Artix Points on the Portal site or any method in AQW to upgrade, but it MUST be a membership.AdventureCoins DO NOT COUNT TOWARD 3rd Upholder.

Anything Else I Should Know?Yup!

We appreciate every single upgrade and AC that you guys pay for. People seem to like the idea of ACs a lot more than Memberships a lot of you members said that memberships benefits were getting thin and we listened to you adding more member items, member dailies, members areas, and your monthly Treasure Chest Key allowance. Without you there is no way that we could possibly keep the game running but our Founders will always hold a special place in our hearts for believing in us and supporting the game before we even had a game to support. Once again you Founders will recieve an upgraded version of your Platinum Dragon pet... the Platinum Armored Platinum Dragon Battle Pet! (non-member).

Double Platinum all the way across the sky...

The 3rd Upholder Platinum Star Sword and theFounder Platinum Armored Platinum Dragon Battle pet (Yup, it's a battle pet this year!) are both going to have a price of 0 ACs so you will be able to store them for free in your bank!

I Love AQW! It's The Best Game EVER!Thank you, AQW Player! What a nice thing to say! But seriously... thank YOU for playing. We LOVE making the game for you guys and thanks to the support of Founders 3 years year ago, 1st Upholders, 2nd Upholders last year or 3rd Upholder next month and everyone in between we get to keep making it better and better every week!

It doesn't matter if you were here from the first day or THIS is YOUR first day... we're so happy that you could be with us to celebrate our third birthday, and we hope that you will stick around for many more birthdays and keep adventuring with us.

Tags: 3rd Upholder Cysero

August 17, 2011

We Love the Players!... even more than ice cream and sushi.Each day we receive awesome letters (many with drawings) in the mail from awesome players. Zazul opens all of the mail and brings us the fan letters. I wish I could post them all! for you to see! (Note: We are very careful about not posting any real names or info) Today we recieved a package filled with an awesome letter, full color poster, and character portraits drawn by the talented AQWorld's player, Bladebrawl. Thank you!! So, today seemed like the perfect day to thank ALL of you who have sent us amazing things to lift our spirits and inspire us to keep making the games better every week.

Happening now or in the works!
  • Beleen is back from school and is about to help Yergen take HeroSmash to a whole new level.
  • Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll sent us a surprise package full of the band's T-shirts & ... really? A champion of darkness pony labeled Artix? This pony thing is completely out of control. Have you been seeing that Jemini and Rolith have been doing on the PonyVsPony facebook page? . *shivers and hides under desk*
  • DragonCon (Convention in Atlanta, Georgia) is only two weeks away! More coming on this soon... but we are throwing a party for players in the Artix Entertainment suite (not that big, hold your breath!) on Thursday night before the convention starts! (What is DragonCon? Here is an old write up I stumbled upon.)
  • 2012 has been officially been dubbed, "The Year of Chaos!" 
Forum/Twitter Question: I am having trouble with the cover for the AQWorlds 2012 Calendar. Can you help? It would be really cool to have a dragon and some action on it. But the calendar needs to be CHAOS themed. Do you have any idea on what we should do? It is going to be on the storeshelves of Toys"R"Us in addition to HeroMart... so we need it to be really professional (Hehe, us, professional?) What characters or monsters should be on the cover? I will be on the lookouts for your messages in between the pony spam (Thank you Rolith!) and post drafts for you to give feed back on tomorrow. Battle on!

Tags: Artix Bladebrawl DragonCon Players RULE! Beleen

DreamMakerAugust 16, 2011

SkyGuard Saga: Sweet Dreams!The Land of Dreams and NightmaresHidden inside the depths of your mind is the entrance to another Plane, one set apart from the everyday world: the Land of Dreams and Nightmares. Most only venture there while asleep, but for the Dreamweavers of Lore, it is a place they can visit at will, a realm into which they can bring - or force- other people.

When you last saw the DreamWeaver, she was sending Stratos into his own personal, hellacious nightmare: the worst day of his life. And that is where we'll open this Friday. See inside the good Captain's mind, and gain an insight into what drives him to wander the world with the SkyGuard.

Find her, she is trapped inside the maze of your mind!

Journey to Twilight's ThreshholdThe SkyPirates are massing for an invasion, and SkyGuard High Command has gathered for a week-long meeting to strategize and distribute resources. Heavily defended in their Command Outpost, the DreamWeaver is going to attack them in the one place they have no defenses: their dreams!

The terrain of the Dream-Land mirrors ours to an extent, though travel there is much different. You will need to enter the Land of Dreams and Nightmares with Invidia and find a way to reach this otherworldly version of the military outpost and take out the SkyPirate assualt team sent to decommission the SkyGuard's highest Commanders!

Help the Nightmare Child for the Sword of Broken Dreams

Journey to Twilight's Threshhold, the entrance to the Land of Dreams and Nightmares. Enter a maze inside your mind to find the Portal that will take you where you need to go. What you'll see there depends entirely on you; but be careful, because it is laden with traps and puzzles. (And a challenge boss... IF you can figure out how to reach it!)

A final word of warning: things that are trapped there become... twisted. Do not stay long, Hero, or you may not come out the same as you went in!

PaymentezPayMentez is live now for direct payments on! To access it, visit this link.
To see the Brazil options outside Brazil, add "Portuguese/Brazil" language setting to your web browser. The web site enables Brazil mode if the IP Address detects Brazil or if the "pt-br" language setting is found.

Tags: Alina SkyGuard Land of Dreams and Nightmares

Troll MakerAugust 12, 2011

Bloodtusk Ravine: Horcs/TrollsAn uneasy peace holds... but for how long?In Bloodtusk Ravine, two races live in one place, separated only by a narrow gorge... and centuries of distrust. Enter a land of deceptive beauty and imminent violence, the air thick with tension and the smell of unshed blood.

Your services are sorely needed, Hero, by both the Horcs and the Trolls... because Chaos is rising, and will soon consume this shared land!

HorcsSuperior warriors, steadfast and stalwart, do not underestimate the Horcs: their speech may be simple, but their minds are quick and their hearts are true, both to their tribe and the earth which sustains them.

Discover the Horcs of K'thurr; get to know them and you will soon begin to appreciate both their skill at war and their loyal natures.

  • Kagg - Horc LoreKeeper, Rep Vendor
  • Zot - Horc Spirit Master, Musician
  • Tlax - Horc War Chief
  • Ghaz - Horc Weaponsmith
  • Sput - Horc Butch... Pet Vendor
TrollsLife is an Art, and the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine are adept performers! Brilliant and creative, the Trolls value learning, history, and cultural pursuits above all else. Except maybe a good story or two!

Meet the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine; they are quick to welcome strangers, as long as you aren't a Horc. They have tried to forget the unpleasant violence which happened so long ago. They are focused on living a bright future, and a joyous present.

  • Sokrakiis - Troll Elder, Historian, Rep Vendor
  • Samba - Troll Dance Adept, Hair Vendor
  • Oishii - Troll Culinary Adept, Food Vendor
  • Dregas - Troll Art Adept, House Vendor
  • Bachius - Troll Musical Adept, Warrior, Weapons Vendor
  • Krellenos - Troll Prophet
  • Khasaanda - Troll Prophetess
Limited Quantity Shop at 3AMRemember, the LQS goes live at 3 AM Eastern US time on SATURDAY! You can find a timezone converter here. We hope to see you there for this EPIC Omega shop! With six armors, FOURTEEN helms, and a variety of guns, daggers, and a cape, this is one of the most well-stocked Limited Quantity Shops we've ever offered!

Scroll down to see screenshots of all the epic Omega Mercenary Guild armors and items, made by Mennace!

Gender ChangeLife feeling a bit too routine? Feel the need to look at the world through from a fresh perspective? Then Yulgar has just what you need! Go on a life-long vacation, by getting a gender modification!

Gender changes will cost 1,000 ACs every time you switch

That's right, you can now get a gender change in Yulgar's changing room. But be SURE you know what you want, because it will cost 1,000 ACs EVERY time you switch!

Member EmotesIntroducing EIGHT all-new MEMBER-ONLY emotes! /cheer for /spar with your friends when they get a Crit or /Headbang through our next musical event!

Cysero enjoying /stepdance while Bachius watches

  • /Powerup
  • /Cheer
  • /Jumpcheer
  • /Salute2
  • /Cry2
  • /Spar
  • /Headbang
  • /Dazed
The /samba emote that some of you saw previewed earlier today will be unlocked later on in the Bloodtusk Ravine. You won't be able to /samba until Samba starts giving dance lessons!

PaymentezFor our Brazillian players, we are now acceptingPaymentez Credits on the master account page! Over 120,000 retail stores and 25,000 internet cafes in Latin America offer Paymentez Credits making it VERY easy to purchase Memberships or ACs!

Tags: Alina Bloodtusk Ravine LQS Gender ChangeMember Emotes Paymentez

Non-Pony-adinAugust 12, 2011

Ponies.... *Shakes head*May the fates have mercy on usBefore we start tonight's brand new awesome BloodTusk Ravine saga  (Horcs vs Trolls!), I would like to share with you a potentially dangerous situation developing here at the Secret Underground Lab. *clears throat* That is right my friends... Ponies.

It started roughly a year ago when Rolith began pranking me by changing my computer and cell phone's wallpaper to pretty pretty pink ponies. This happened nearly every time I left my computer unguarded. Things escalated quickly. I do not dare tell you the depths that Rolith's pony related pranks sunk to... but you should all know. I now live in fear of ponies.

In June, Rolith created a minigame called "Hurry." It was a brilliant and addictive game. I green lighted his project and Rolith was promoted to project lead on the condition that he still coded DragonFable's weekly releases. Jemini QUICKLY (too quickly) volunteered to do the art for this new game. They were excited about this project. Tooooo excited. Toooo secretive. should have been an indicator that something was terribly, terribly wrong.

Pony files started "accidentally" appearing on the development servers. I just assumed it was more of Rolith's pranks. Until... the next thing I knew... my Twitter was FLOODED with literally thousands of pony names from players. The source? (Witness the horror for yourself)

When I confronted Rolith on this he quickly and confidently reminded me that I had said, "Nope. You have FULL creative control over this project. It is not like you are going to make a pony game. Hah. hah." For the past week... I have been a victim of the pony-apocalypse. ... and it just got worse. what started on Twitter. spread to Facebook ( ) and now there are PONY POSTERS ALL OVER THE OFFICE, THE TREES OUTSIDE, AND EVEN MY CAR. (...there are even ponies hanging in the bathroom) Please... do not encourage them. I can still hear Rolith's laughter from the other side of the lab.

Tags: Artix

Trollish PotionMakerAugust 11, 2011

Limity Quantity Shop: Saturday 3 AMCheck your timezones and set your alarms!I don't always roll a Mercenary character, but when I do, it's an Omega! And now you, too, can join the Omega Mercenary Group, designed entirely by Mennace. With six armors, FOURTEEN helms, and a variety of guns, daggers, and a cape, this is one of the most well-stocked Limited Quantity Shops we've ever offered!

And don't forget, you'll still have a chance to pick up all of the past LQS items that haven't sold out yet! So if you were asleep, or at the dentist, or in the middle of ballet practice, now's the time to pick up those prized equips that you missed last time!

Omega Alchemist Armor


  • Omega Alchemist: 10,000 qty 800 ACs
  • Mecha Defender: 4,000 qty 800 ACs
  • Infiltrator: 3,000 qty 700 ACs
  • Death Dealer: 3,000 qty 700 ACs
  • Hunter: 9,000 qty 90,000 gold (Member)
  • Assault Gear: 32,000 qty 90,000 gold (Non-Member)

Mecha Defender Armor


  • Omega Alchemist Male: 7,500 qty 250 ACs
  • Omega Alchemist Female: 2,500 qty 250 ACs
  • Male Beret: 1,500 qty 150 ACs
  • Female Beret: 500 qty 150 ACs
  • Male Beret + Mask: 1,500 qty 150 ACs
  • Female Beret + Mask: 500 qty 150 ACs
  • Aerosol Protector Male: 1,500 qty 150 ACs
  • Aerosol Protector Female: 500 qty 150 ACs
  • DeathDealer Fauxhawk: 2,500 qty 150 ACs
  • DeathDealer Pigtails: 500 qty 150 ACs
  • Infiltrator Mask: 3,000 qty 150 ACs
  • Mecha Defender Mask: 4,000 qty 250 ACs
  • Hunter Mask: 9,000 qty 25,000 gold (Member)
  • Assault Mask: 32,000 qty 25,000 gold (Non-Member)

Assault Gear Armor


  • Omega Shot: 3,000 qty 200 ACs
  • Omega M19: 4,000 qty 300 ACs
  • Omega ManaBurster: 9,000 qty 10,000 gold (Member)
  • Omega Clappers: 32,000 qty 10,000 gold (Non-Member)

Infiltrator Armor


  • Omega Dotanuki: 2,000 qty 200 ACs
  • Omega Cutters: 2,000 qty 200 ACs
  • Omega Tonfa: 2,000 qty 200 ACs

DeathDealer Armor


  • Omega Stealth Pack: 1,000 qty 300 ACs

Hunter Armor

Remember, the LQS goes live at 3 AM Eastern US time on SATURDAY (that means that we won't be sleeping Friday night or we'll miss the release)! You can find a timezone converter here. We hope to see you there for this EPIC Omega shop!

And check back later tonight for a sneak peek at the Troll and Horc NPCs from Bloodtusk Ravine!

Artix's Memories of Game DevelopmentIt's a blast from Artix Entertainment's past as Artix shares on the DragonFable Design Notes his memories and stories about the last 10 years of the team's fun and frenzied time bringing all our games to life!

Reminder!AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Premiere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Tags: Alina LQS Omega

(Not a mod.... but I AM NOW THE BOSS!)August 10, 2011

ALL HAIL PRINCESS BERTANNA!Bertran is going to kill me.Hello, I've taken over for the day. I am actually at the underground lab, siting in Artix's chair at the head of the table. His laptop has a really, really big keyboard that is extremely big and hard for me to type on. (Excuse my typos!) It's really amazing here, and everyone's so nice. Since I own this place now, I've decided that AE is now going to become a shrine to Broadway musicals, Disney movies, and the novel Les Miserables that is overrun with Mochi*. just wait. This will happen someday.

I made a T-shirt specially for this visit**. It says "Cysero, Can I be a mod?" ...unfortunately, Cysero isn't here today. So we took a picture and sent him a text message***. I've run out of funny things to say now. It's weird, because I've been dreaming of this day forever.... (Please excuse my starry eyes!) I promise that I'll someday work here. YouWILL see me again****.

* Which is preferable to what is currently happening with the Ponies.
** Far less expensive than making an animatronic Dragon.
*** He sent back a text message. "No."
**** Not if we see you first! (Just kidding. So... um... what exactly did you do with Artix?)

Tags: None

Food-adinAugust 10, 2011

AE Food PyramidThey changed the food Pyramid!?Recently, I learned that schools changed the Food Pyramid to something called "MyPlate". Which is... some sort of spherical pie chart of edible goodness. This has serious ramifications to all of us here at Artix Entertainment who have been following the official A.E. Food Pyramid.

So... it is time for a change! But I need your help. What should we put into the "MyAePlate?" For starters, coffee needs to be replaced with Green Tea (Coffee is so 2007. Green Tea is the fuel of creative geniuses now!) Feel free to post drawings... they should be circular. See you on the forums, Twitter and Facy-facebook. Battle on!

DragonCon 2011We are just 2.5 weeks away from the DragonCon Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. The A.E. team will be there in full force. A great chance to meet the team in person! We are throwing a pizza party in our suite (at the top of of Marriot) at 8pm... and if you are going to DragonCon, you are invited! Then... we are kicking off DragonCon's gaming track on Friday at 2:30pm with the "AQWorlds Meet and Greet" (Check us out on the DC MMO page) During the panel we will be making fun of ourselves, showing crazy videos, giving out tons of prizes.... including ONE "still in the package" 2011 Calendar (with a Chronomancer Code).  But this year we are making special arrangements for all of you who cannot attend in person. We are going to attempt to stream our panel live in-game for you. This will be the first year of DragonCon for many of our team... including J6 who will be attending in his J6 cosplay outfit that he put a crazy amount of work into!

Tags: Artix Food Pyramid DragonCon MyPlate

CultureMakerAugust 08, 2011

LQS and Bloodtusk Ravine!This LQS will make you say OMG!"Blood for GOLD!" That is the cry of the Omega Mercenary Group, a posse dedicated to filling their purses while pursuing their prey across Lore and the Galaxy! And now YOU can join their crew when you access this Saturday at 3AM EST! Make sure you check your time zone and set your alarm (or more than one, to be safe!), because you won't want to miss this gear designed exclusively by Mennace.

If you're a soldier of fortune, or just enjoy dressing as one, you too could own these cutthroat equips! IF you've got the ACs. Prices will come as soon as we sit down and figure them out. Most likely tomorrow during the day.

Male versions of the Assault Gear, Death Dealer, and Infiltrator Armors!

Female versions of the Mecha Defender, Omega Alchemist, and Omega Hunter!

Covet these crazy-awesome Omega equips!

Bloodtusk Ravine: Two races a world apartBloodtusk Ravine is an unforgiving plateau surrounded on all sides by jungle. Lending its name to the area, a narrow ravine splits the plateau in half... and separates two races which have raged at each other for generations! You've already met (or battled) members of both species, but this week you'll get to know them much, much better:

The Horcs: Primal, savage, the ultimate warriors defending their home and their people from a threat others would dismiss out of hand. Tribal and untamed, wilderness lives inside each Horc, a fact which threatens their unwilling neighbors.

Possessing strength and endurance beyond any race in their lands, 200 years ago the Horcs were used by the Trolls for manual labor, treated by them as second class citizens, until they rose up and claimed the other side of the ravine.

The Trolls: Brilliant thinkers and philosophers, patrons of the arts in all their many forms, and strategists beyond compare. Using their superior knowledge and cunning, the trolls managed to dominate the fiercer Horcs for centuries.

They revel in pleasure now, focusing on the glory of Art and Culture, but a movement among them longs to return to the days when they had conquered the whole of the plateau through the might of their intellect.

The uneasy peace between the two camps is about to come to an end. Something - or someone- is setting fires of discontent and fear among both the Horcs and the Trolls, and is eager to dance in the flames as Chaos consumes their country! The next Lord of Chaos is rising.

Reminder!AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Tags: Alina LQS Bloodtusk Ravine Horcs Trolls Chaos

BountymakerAugust 06, 2011

You know you're a Bounty Hunter when...You wield dual pistols...

...while defying gravity AND bullet time!

How do YOU know you're a Bounty Hunter? Let us know on TwitterFacebook, and the forums and then tell your friends!

Tags: Alina J6 Bounty Hunter

SockperiumAugust 05, 2011

J6's Hyperium ContinuesThe Mysterious Bounty Hunter Flies Again!The puzzle-driven J6 area got a big expansion this week!

If you are up to date all you need to do to continue your space-western adventure is enter the Hyperium's VR room and head to the next area!

If you're NOT YET up to date, you will need to play through all of J6's previous content to get to this week's map, items, the much-coveted J5 armor and several cutscenes that raise a lot more questions about this masked man.

In related news, J6 will be at DragonCon with the rest of this year, so if you can make it to our annual panel at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA at the beginning of next month, then you'll get to meet the man behind the mask.

Player Suggestion Shop Update!Once again we have taken a number of suggestions from players just like you and pulled them into the game in Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop!

This week, both Dage and Mennace chose to reshape these items into AQW items!

  •  Gia Blade - Vamprincess Dorene137
  •  Paladin's Victory - pikachu199519
  •  Soul Stealer Advanced - Darkon Drago
  •  Demonic Revenge - Darkon Drago
  •  Snowstorm Hood - gompa
  •  Snowstorm - gompa
  •  DragonSlayer's Solace Hat - mietior
  •  DragonSlayer's Solace - mietior
  •  Royal Maximus - Prince Knight
As usual, each of these items have been given to their creators regardless if they are member, non-member or AC items.

If YOU have an idea for an item that you would like to see brought to life in AQW, please visit out Suggestion Forums and make a post. Who knows, maybe yours will be in the next round!

Please, remember: Even thought we do like to see your art and ideas on Twitter and Facebook, We ONLY take items from those forums to add to the game! We don't add every items in the forums, but if it's NOT in the forums, we WILL NOT add it.

New PET O' THE MONTH: The Vordred Nightmare Pony BATTLE PET!It's a new month and that (sometimes) means a new PET O' THE MONTH!

This month, in honor of the completion of the Vordred Storyline and the internet's recent fascination with ponies, we've combined these two ideas into one terribly cute monstrosity of necromancy.

Introducing the member only BATTLE PET (Works as a normal pet, but for NECROMANCER it will replace your Skeleton base pet for damage dealing!)

He's been hugged and battle-tested against Noxus in the Shadowfall war to guage his lovable might. Visit Aria's Shop in Battleontown to get your own Vordred Nightmare Pony!

NO GENDER CHANGE THIS TIME!Sadly, J6's maps are so insanely involved that Yorumi didn't have time to properly code or test the Gender Change option which will hopefully come next week but we did make a few changes that you might have already noticed.

QUEST TRACKER: The first addition is a new Quest Tracker Button on your character portrait.

It's right there on the left, opposite your level. Just click this and any quests you are on will appear in a list on your screen to help you keep track of what you need to complete it without opening your Quest Log every time.

CHARACTER PAGE UPGRADE: The second change is on your character page. Now you can look at almost anyone's character page and see exactly what they have equipped right next to their image. (I say ALMOST anyone, because MOD items do not show correctly).

Now available for the iPhone and AndroidThe AE team created a mobile app our favorite voice actor... ME! So now, you too can have your life narrated by George Lowe (best known as the voice of Space Ghost!) Includes 300+ soundbites (even some favorites from the games.) At the touch of your fingertip, you will instantly be able to make any cramped elevator more uncomfortable.

Now in App Stores!
The app name is "George Lowe Bites" if you go to the app store to search for it.

Next week we begin work on our next CHAOS ZONE, you can also expect a Mennace LQS (keep watching the Design Notes for times, items lists, images and prices!). Until then, have a great weekend!

or else.

Tags: Cysero J6 Hyperium Player Suggestion Shop Quest Tracker Character Page DragonCon Secret Hints

July 29, 2011

Battle Vordred!The final battle for DoomWood has begun....Go to LightGuard keep. The teleporter on the second floor will take you to the unpredictable final battle... it is unlike anything we have done in AQWorlds before -- and we hope you enjoy it!  If you are not caught up in the storyline yet, the teleporter will tell you where to go and take you to the right place. Hurry! Vordred and Artix have already begun the final battle!!

  • Undead Slayer Class (Rank 10 DoomWood -or- 2,000AC Member Class)
  • Evolved Shaman Class (Rank 10 Arcangrove -or- 2,000AC Free Class)
  • Color customize your character with the new color picker!
  • DoomWood Saga recap by the Voice of Space Ghost, George Lowe
  • BOSS FIGHT with Vordred, the most powerful undead being on our world.

Valencia and Robina model the female version of
Evolved Shaman Class and UndeadSlayer Class

A BOSS BATTLE unlike any we have done before!I am looking forward to playing this release alongside you... literally. This boss fight is truly different from the others. It will just be you and I against Vordred. (However to team up with your friends using /goto and play it together) There are multiple endings... each ending has a different cutscene and unlocks a different reward shop. You must be at least level 20 to survive the battle.... unless you are REALLY good! It is always scary trying something new... so please have fun and tell us what you think. No matter what happens, I believe in you Hero!

Tipping my helm to the team... thank you or all your hard workAt 4:30am last night, when the entire team was still up working hard on this release... I felt that special feeling in my soul. As a collective group, we broke the AE record for the most hours of lost sleep in a single week. I am really proud and you guys... and grateful for the opportunity to work along side you. To everyone who worked on this release... Cysero, Alina, Zhoom, J6, Nulgath, Samba, Dage, Mennace, Reens, Yorumi and special thanks to Warlic, Ghost, George Lowe, Llusion, and everyone else who put their all into this release.... thank you! For your reward... we will get even crazier and make the next saga even better! BATTLE ON!

Other random things!
Tags: Artix

 July 29, 2011

George Lowe Bites!Now available for the iPhone and AndroidThe AE team created a mobile app our favorite voice actor... ME! So now, you too can have your life narrated by George Lowe (best known as the voice of Space Ghost!) Includes 300+ soundbites (even some favorites from the games.) At the touch of your fingertip, you will instantly be able to make any cramped elevator more uncomfortable.

Just released!The app name is "George Lowe Bites" if you go to the app store to search for it.

Tags: George Lowe Mobile iPhone Android Artix

July 29, 2011

Coming Tonight!Evolved Shaman, UndeadSlayer, Vordred Boss FightAs I write this post, it is 1:30am EST in the morning. Samba and Nulgath are still animating the insane number of cutscenes coming in tonight's Vordred Boss Fight. (We appreciate what you are doing so much! Go guys go!) This is going to be unlike the end of any other zone so far... and it is REALLY difficult not to talk about it until you had a chance to play it. Ghost even wrote a new song for it!

But we can show you a preview! (Bad Artix, bad! - Alina)

We also have two classes being released. The one I am most excited about is Undead Slayer. It is a decent class against normal monsters... and AN UNIMAGINABLE WRECKING BALL OF DESTRUCTION against undead monsters. It also has a heal. Cysero does not like it because there is no real strategy to the class. On the other hand, I love it because it is exactly the way I enjoy playing. (That and I one shotted Noxus with a 15K Spirit Dragon Lance)

I have not seen Evolved Shaman yet, but it looks interesting too. Dage is working on the art for both of these classes. He had to prepare for a severe weather up North - but he said he should have them tomorrow morning.

Also, it is possible to get the 2nd piece of the Blinding Light of Destiny in tonights release... if you can get the Ultra-Good ending. Good luck everyone... tonight we BATTLEVORDRED!

Card Game MOD PACKS!Toys"R"Us was really surprised that a small indie game company like us would have so many people to visit their stores for our card game. Thank you for making us look so good! (We were wondering if anyone remembered that I promised to write the DoomWood saga as a thank you to all the players who did.)

The AQWorlds CardGame has been an ongoing success and Toys"R"Us asked if we would create something to keep the card game fresh and lively with the holiday season coming up. We thought about it hard... because we promised that this was not one of those games where you had to buy endless foil wrapped mystery packs at some change of getting rares cards. We were not making that up!

So we came up with something completely new - a MOD PACK. Imagine if you took all the best cards you were hunting for from booster and expansion packs and put them all into a single pack which was a one-time purchase(just like the original game). We built two of them:DoomWood and ChaosLord. Each pack comes with a lot of awesome new themed cards ... including some rule twisting special cards. Simply mix them into your deck and make the game even more fun.

Both the DoomWood and ChaosLord mod packs are a one-time only purchase and will come with bonus in-game items which will be announced closer to the release date... which should be in October!

Twitter/Forum Question: What was your favorite area, cutscene or fight in the DoomWood Saga?

Tags: Artix Vordred Toys R Us DoomWood MOD PACK

SockSlayerJuly 28, 2011

UndeadSlayer BreakdownUndeadSlayer is Coming Tomorrow!We've got 2 classes coming tomorrow. First, the non-member Evolved Shaman class (You can either earn with Arcangrove Rep Rank 10, like original Shaman or pay 2000acs for it unlike original Shaman) for which Alina did a great skills breakdown yesterday. So if you have already ranked up to Rep Rank 10 in Arcangrove then all you need to do is NOTHING.

Tomorrow, during the release, we will be adding the Evolved Shaman directly to the backpacks of anyone who already has Rank 10 Arcangrove Rep. If you earn Rank 10 Arcangrove Rep AFTER release tomorrow then you will need to spend the standard 50,000 gold that the earned version of the class costs.

You'll be happy to note that this class is as color customizable as the original is.

The second class coming tomorrow is the member-only class for DoomWood, UndeadSlayer. If you are a member you will be also be able to buy this class for 2000acs or earn it with DoomWood Rep Rank 10. The good news is that if you've already ranked up to earn Necromancer then you're all set.

NONE OF THE CLASSES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE GOING RARE. From tomorrow's release onward, you will always be able to earn Shaman and earn/buy Evolved Shaman, or earn/buy UndeadSlayer.

I'd love to show you what UndeadSlayer Class looks like but Dage had to prepare for Hurricane Don and got a late start on the art. It's still in progress but what I've seen so far looks great!

UNDEADSLAYER SKILL SETNow let's see what UndeadSlayer can do.

The most important thing that you need to understand about UndeadSlayer is that is was built for SLAYING UNDEAD. It is a decent class for soloing but might feel a little underpowered UNTIL you are in DoomWood, BattleUnder, Shadowfall or fighting undead in some other area.

If the undead had faces to melt, it would melt them without breaking a sweat.

The UndeadSlayer Class has an interesting dynamic that you won't find in any other class. It takes both Mana to use its abilities but you also need to gather Spirit Orbs to increase the effects of the skills. Getting Spirit Orbs is easy, you get one every time your auto-attack goes off against an undead, even if you miss. You'll see the count going up as you fight and it will max out that 200 Spirit Orbs.

Now let's go over the skills.


2 second cooldown.

A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. When attacking undead you gain spirit power.

In this model AA actually plays a pretty important role in battle. This is your only damage power that does not do increased damage against undead but it's the only way to gain Spirit Orbs. You will want to pay close attention to how much spirit power you have saved up.

Just watch your character and the game will display how much spirit power you have banked each time you auto-attack. 


10 mana, 2 second cooldown.

A powerful spirit attack, damage enhanced by spirit power. More effective against undead.

This class is not complex. This is an attack. It does damage. It does more damage against undead. The more Spirit Orbs you have banked, the more damage it does. It's a very inexpensive skill with a very fast cooldown so spam it.


20 mana, 10 second cooldown.

Heal yourself with spirit power. Amount healed increased with spirit power.

A handy self-heal. It's enough to keep you alive with low spirit orbs but as stacks go up it makes it insane. Nearly a full heal with the max 200 Spirit Orbs banked.

This one will eat your mana if you're not careful but considering the cooldown it shouldn't be a problem for most to balance cost versus effect. 


10 mana, 5 second cooldown.

A strong attack enhanced by spirit power.

Once again, if you can make a sandwich, you can use this class. This is another attack. It also does damage. The more Spirit Orbs you have banked, the more damage it does. Once again, it's cheap and has a fast cooldown. Your mana won't flat line if you are spamming this one as soon as the cooldown pops either.


Rank 4 Passive

Increase Endurance by 15%

Increase Haste by 10%

 Your basic passives here. Ranking up the class unlocks the ability to attack faster than ever before while taking more of a beating. 


30 mana, 30 second cooldown.

A strong attack enhanced by spirit power.

The UndeadSlayer's ultimate attack. Requires at least 20 Spirit Power to use. Consumes ALL Spirit Power.

Here's the Big Daddy attack for Undead Slayer. This attack does a MININUM of around 6000 damage to an undead foe and the damage only goes up with the Spirit Orbs you bank. With a full stack banked, it's not uncommon to see a crit for around 15-20,000 damage. It's pretty nasty.


Rank 10 Passive

Small chance that using one of your skills other than Auto-Attack may result in instantly maxing out your Spirit Power.

This is a pretty nice little extra you get for maxing out the class. I've had it happen to me only twice in testing but suddenly your heals are HUGE and your Dragon Lance are taking a third of an undead bosses life.

SUMMARY: I've solo'd Noxus several times with this class. It's really pretty nice against undead. As I mentioned earlier, against anything else it's a decent enough class but it's really specialized to Undead. it rips through them like a hot knife through butter.

There are a few tactics that you might want to use.

I've found it pretty useful against undead bosses to just sit there and heal myself until ive' got a LOT of Spirit Orbs banked. After that you can either blow it all on a big Dragon Lance, cause it's nice to see that BIG damage, but make sure you heal first. One last mega-heal never hurts and after the Lance, because after that you're back to 0 Orbs and a rinky dink heal.

The other option is to keep the stacks and damage flowing. If you keep the spirit orbs banked, Exorsize and Vorpal Strike start really doing some serious damage and the BEST part is they the cooldowns and mana cost remain steady so you just clewing through the bosses HP and keeping up those mega-self-heals.

Depends on your play-style.

Either way, I think this class accomplishes what Artix wanted when he designed the skills. It allows you to mow through undead as if you WERE Artix himself, Spirit Orbs and all. The more you fight the STRONGER you get.

Advanced Color Picker Coming Friday.This little widget has given us more trouble than we ever expected but considering that happens a lot you'd think we would have expected it.

NEVERTHELESS, through Yorumi and Zhoom's collective hard work the Advanced Color Picker will be ready tomorrow.

When you visit Yulgar's Room 42 you will see an increased range of color swatches.

But if you look in the upper right hand corner you will see a little button that looks like this...

This button switches the color picker from Swatches Mode toFree Mode. Free Mode is an analog display of pretty much every base color you could imagine and it has a brightness slider on the right hand side that allows you to make your selected color as bright or dark as you like.

This basicly allows you to pick any color within the entirety of the percievable range of human sight.

It even displays the exact details of that color in the Info boxes at the lower right so you can write down the values and duplicate that PERFECT color you spent an hour finding time and time again.

COMING TOMORROWWe have finally reached the end of the DoomWood Saga. We have a LOT of surprises for you and it will wrap up EVERY SINGLE story thread that we've lovingly crafted for you as this zone has progressed.

A lot of people have been asking me if they will finally get the chance to earn Artix's weapon, the Blinding Light of Destiny...

I just thought you'd like to know that.

Heh. :)

Tags: Cysero UndeadSlayer Evolved Shaman Color PickerBlinding Light of Destiny Taunting

Apple-adinJuly 28, 2011

I guess our games run on Macs!True storyI went to the Apple store* at the mall not too long ago. As usual, the store was jam packed with people playing with the iphones, ipads and Apple computers. What caught me completely off guard was a table full of boys using the computers to play DragonFable! There are no words to properly explain the feeling that lifted my heart. As an indie game maker... there is no greater happiness achievable. Overcome with excitement, I said, "DRAGONFABLE!? AWESOME!" The boys were so engrossed in their battles that they did not even turn around. Their characters were pretty far along in the storyline. I watched them play for a few moments and as I was leaving the store, I used my phone to tweet what just happened on Twitter. You guys had a lot of awesome ideas of what I should have done**instead of just leaving with a smile from ear to ear... but, by the time I got your messages... I was already long gone. To whomever those boys were, thank you for one of the best memories ever!

* If the DoomWood Mall had one of these... it would be the Rotten Apple Store. "Half a worm in every mega-bite!"
** Favorite was "Get on the computer next to them and just log in and play. See if they looked at my character."

Forum/Twitter Question: Have you ever played one of our games somewhere interesting? If so... where? (Oh, remember NOT to check save user/pass when using a public machine. I was at a hotel in Canada once and saw someone had entered their AQ user/pass and saved it O_O!)

Tags: Artix Apple DragonFable Memories Mac

Evolved PotionmakerJuly 27, 2011

Evolved Shaman - Revealed!Unmask the Secrets of the Evolved Shaman!Shamans share a deep connection with Lore's four main elements; this is common knowledge. But there lies within the Shaman sect a core of sha-men and -women who have gone beyond, looked deeper, travelled down magical paths others dare not tread, and so are now more closely connected to the elements than their less-evolved brethren.

This is a Non-Member, Arcangrove-inspired Class based loosely on the original Shaman, but with all-new skills and a unique appearance! The art for the class is not ready yet, but we'll post pics of that as soon as we have them! This class can be bought for 2,000 ACs or, if you have already battled and repped your way towards earning the original Shaman class, you will get it for FREE!

Evolved Shaman Skill Breakdown!

Auto Attack
2 second attack
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.

Freezing Flame
Rank 1
5 mana, 6 second cooldown 

Deals moderate damage and either burns your foe for damage over time or freezes your target in place, stunning them for 4 seconds. Effect increased by Elemental Grasp.

Furious Gale
Rank 2
15 mana, 10 second cooldown 

Deals heavy damage and reduces enemy haste while increasing yours for a short time. Effects both increased by Elemental Grasp.

Refreshing Rain
Rank 3
20 mana, 15 second cooldown 

Casts a Heal Over Time on yourself and nearby allies. Duration of the healing effect is increased by Elemental Grasp.

Ancestral Teachings
Rank 4 Passive
Increast INT by 15%

Primal Fury
Rank 4 Passive
Increase Crit Chance by 8%

Elemental Grasp
Rank 560 mana, 16 second cooldown 
Deals light damage to target and applies Elemental Grasp, negating all target Evasion and Critical Strike chance. This effect also makes the Evolved Shaman’s spells more powerful, and gets stronger the more spells the Shaman casts against the target.

Elemental Storm
Rank 10 Passive
Small chance to greatly increase the power of an AoE ability.

Breakdown Wrap-up!We suggest using any of the Caster enhancements on Shaman, though it is geared towards Spellbreaker enhancements, since the class derives power from INT and WIS.

Starting this Friday, you'll be able to find the Evolved Shaman class being sold for 2,000 ACs at the new NPC in BattleOn for the next few weeks (along with the UndeadSlayer and Necromancer classes, each 2,000 ACs). It will also be permanently available in the Arcangrove Rep shop (though it will not require rep).

Look for a skill write-up on the UndeadSlayer class and more information on this week's release to come tomorrow! I'll leave you with a few words aimed at the hearts of any true Shamans:

Unlock even greater powers with the enhanced elemental attacks of the Evolved Shaman class! Wield these skills well and there is no telling what your connection to the magic of Lore will cause. Shamans! Are you ready to grow, to strengthen... to evolve?

Tags: Alina Evolved Shaman

Type-adinJuly 26, 2011

12 Page Script!?The biggest script ever for a non-Special Event ReleaseA normal weekly release script is 1.5 pages... often double spaced. THIS WEEK's script is 12 pages... single spaced! (11 cutscenes, 4 boss-type fights, and 5 single-item reward shops.) Thank you to everyone who tweeted ideas to help with the script yesterday! Your creativity and passion for the AQWorlds never ceases to amaze... and inspired me to write more than anyone could imagine.  My favorite part of the game-making progress is when we have fun thinking up crazy things together. (What other game studio does that!?) For the record, a room full of network TV writers will throw around hundreds of ideas and use only one. That is what we did together last night. With a twist... I wanted to make this ending a surprise for you. So when I asked you to think of something unexpected, I was also making sure no one could guess what I was writing for you. (As usual, some of you are just too clever... and a lot of rewriting took place.) Also, as promised... it pretty serious (90%). So here are some out takes that WILL NOT be in the script for you to enjoy... 

Artix: Really?
Vordred: NO.

Vordred: ... MORE SKULLS!!!!
You: Did'ya ever consider hitting a costume store after Halloween? You can get some really good discounts.
You: Does the 90% off savings apply to insolence?

You: Vordred... prepare for the FINAL BATTLE!
Vordred: ... REALLY HARD.
You: Alright... Artix, this is NOT going in the script. 
Artix: Awwwww....  Alright. We are keeping this 99% super serious!
Artix: Well... 90%

P.S. The winner of the Matromy contest will be posted on the homepage tomorrow. We are just waiting for verification! Also check in tomorrow... for a post on how our animators and programmers are doing! Samba & Nulgath are in the hot seat his week.... good luck guys!

Tags: Artix Script DoomWood Vordred Outtakes

Write-adinJuly 25, 2011

Writing DoomWood!Will Vordred become the Champion of Darkness?The final battle with Vordred is coming this Friday... and as of the time I posted this at 7:30pm EST on Monday night... I am still writing the finale. (Only 4 days left!? Plenty of time O_O) Aside from the terrifying looming deadline of Friday this release is both very exciting and a little sad. Because DoomWood has been, according to the playerbase at large, one of, if not the most, popular storylines in AQWorlds thus far. Each week topped the previous. We broke almost every rule in the game during the course of DoomWood... which brings us to the point of this post -- why should we adhere to the rules with the Boss fight? Inspired heavily by the recent Sepulchure vs Drakath boss fight in DragonFable, this week's saga ending duel will be different from the things you have seen before. More coming tomorrow. Oh, and while you wait for tomorrow's post, can you give me a hand writing the finale?

Forums/Twitter Question: What unpredictable things would you like to see happen during the finale?

Tags: DoomWood Finale DragonFable Artix

SockWood ForestJuly 25, 2011

The DoomWood FinaleComing this weekThis Friday is the thrilling conclusion of the DoomWood saga as the story finally reaches its climax. You've made your way through DoomWood, been everywhere from the top of the Tower of Necromancy to the bottom of the darkest dungeon that the Necropolis has to offer. You've tolerated Zomboda and all of the puns in the Chopping Maul. You've seen Noxus and Chuckles change places and Gravelyn change clothes and last week you accidentally helped ArcAttack accidentally super-charge the Paladin Slayer, Vordred.

Now it all comes to a close. You and Artix are ready to face Vordred and stop him once and for all.

If he can be stopped.

Samba and Nulgath are both already hard at work on the cutscenes because this is no ordinary conclusion. As always, you shape the storyline. We've been getting a lot of great feedback from you guys on this zone and you've had a lot of different ideas about where it's going so we are opening up the ending to multiple possible endings all based on your choices.

ArcAttacking!Last Week's ARCATTACK event is still in full swing. There are LOTS of non-member drops, LOTS of member only items in the member only backstage area and LOTS of rares in the EVENt RARE SHOP, but those won't last forever. The drops and member shop are staying in the game along with the event but those rares will be leaving soon. Don't miss out.

If you want to read more about the band and see what ArcAttack Fans think of the event, visit:


or ArcAttack's Facebook Fan Page. As long as you there, you might as well Like them!

Trying To Make Everyone HappyA few new classes are coming to AQW this weekend. As promised, the UndeadSlayer Class (for members only) will be coming to the DoomWood Rep Shop for rank 10 DoomWood Rep BUT for those of you Members who have not yet hit Rank 10 while farming for Necro, there will also be an AC version of UndeadSlayer (also member only).

Just like Necromancer, there will be no difference at all in appearance or abilities. The AC version is just there to give you the option to work hard to earn the class or just drop the ACs and save the time.

We've been getting a lot of mixed signals from you guys about an AC version of Arcangrove's non-member Shaman Class.

A handful of very dedicated players have worked tirelessly to earn the Shaman Class but we've gotten tens of tousands of messages asking us to add an AC option to buy it. It's impossible to make everyone happy, but that will never stop us from trying. Of course, it would be a terrible insult to those hard working players to go back and make Shaman Class availible for purchase but we think we've found a compromise that will work for everyone.

This weekend we are introducing EVOLVED SHAMAN CLASS to Arcangrove. It will have an all new look andnew set of skills based on the original Shaman Class Build with entirely different powers.

Here's the nice part, if you have already earned Shaman, you get the earned version of Evolved Shaman FOR FREE. No fighting through impossible tower mini-games or farming for a drop that never seems to drop... It is a gift to those of you who put in the hard work and time to earn Shaman. Everyone else will still have the option to earn Shaman and Evolved Shaman just like you did or they can buy Evolved Shaman with ACs but the original Shaman is not and will never be for sale. 

New Color PickerZhoom and Yorumi have pretty much ironed out most of the bugs from the new color picker and have told me that (unless they find some OTHER terrible bugs) the new color picker will be live THIS WEEK. Sorry that we weren't able to release it last week, but we're soo close... can ya taste it?

What does it taste like?

Tags: DoomWood ArcAttack UndeadSlayer Evolved Shaman Cysero


July 22, 2011

ArcAttack Event is LIVE!ArcAttacking CastleMania!The ArcAttack event is now LIVE!

more than 23,000 player are currently online after a vyer interesting and revealing Q and A session with the members of ArcAttack where literally THOUSANDS of questions were gathered by the Devs and Mods from all different servers and from Twitter.

Once again, you guys did a great job of making us look good. Your enthusiasm for the event really surprised ArcAttack and they put as much thought into their answers as you did into your questions.

But that is over now and the ArcAttack Event is underway!

DoomWood continues with special guests, ArcAttack, whom Vordred us using to cause electro-musical mayhem in CastleMania!

We've got 5 special cutscenes with voices and music by the band themselves (Special Guest appearances by Galanoth as Vordred and One-Eyed Doll's Kimberly as Sally) , an Event Rare shop with 22 GUARENTEED RARE AC ITEMS...

...10 Non-Member Drops including 2 brand new armors, 14 Member Only Items, a Member-Only Backstage Area with Vordred Outtakes where you can stand in the Faraday Cage and take a screenshot with the band NPCs, and an event Achievement Badge (Book of Lore and Character Page!) for everyone who completes the event!

Play through the entire event to see what happens when Vordred tries to use ArcAttack's electro-musical research to increased his powers of undeath and get prepared for next week's DOOMWOOD FINALE!

Every Good Scientist Needs Willing Test SubjectToday will be the beginning of AQW's ArcAttack Musical Event, and if you have been following Artix's Play-By-Playyou know exactly whats going on. This is the final ArcAttack band member spotlight. This mysterious... man, probably... is known only as 7.

Not much is known about 7, other than the simple fact that he is without a doubt the bravest person that the band has ever know. Or the stupidest. Or both.

In ArcAttack's live shows 7 is always seen wearing his Faraday Suit which insulates him from very probably harm and allows him to perform in-between their giant Singing Tesla Coils as electricity crawls, arccs and snaps across the surface of the suit and the Lightning Guitar. 7, wearing the protective suit, is the ONLY person capable of playing that instrument without risking permanent damage.

Within the walls of Castlemania, he assist the band's electro-musical experimentation as a volunteer guinea pig and test subject. Who knows what effects these experiments have had on this chain-mail-masked musician of mystery beneath his Faraday Suit.

Get Ready for an electric explosion of AWESOME!

Tags: Cysero ArcAttack

Arc-AdinJuly 22, 2011

ARCATTACK Event is LIVE!Happening nowThe epic-ally electryifying musical guest ArcAttack will rock Lore! Be there for the lightning, for the fury, and for VORDRED! ArcAttack, DoomWood's very own band of mad scientists, will fuse music and energy in an ULTIMATE experiment that will ROCK THE WORLD and make Vordred completely UNSTOPPABLE! ... unless of course, you can stop him.

Tags: Artix

July 21, 2011

SamWe are enjoying showcasing a new member of Arc Attack each day this week! It's an excellent introduction to tomorrow's MASSIVE Musical Event featuring ArcAttack in DoomWood. These are your compatriots in the fight against Vordred; they may be working for him under duress, but they're not going to go down without (Arc) attacking back!

Today's chapter focuses on Sam, the Wizard of the Wires, the Sultan of the Sound Board, and the Pharoah of High Frequencies! He is ArcAttack's Tech Guy (it's an industry term!) and he's the one that gets the coils to cooperate!

Now, Sam is not your ordinary Mad Scientist. He came to Necro U hoping to become a Necromancer. But when he attended his first Grateful Undead concert, he was blown away (literally, all the way across the auditorium!) by the supersonic waves blasting from the group's speakers! That got him interested in the power of sound, and when he coupled that with his keen interest in Quantuum Necrotics, he knew the path his career would take.

Fast forward four years and you'll find him deep in the dungeons of CastleMania, performing sonic sonar experiments on bats and appalling auditory tests on ghouls, skeltons, and lichs. (He rejected slime-based subjects as they have no ears.)

Epic Member-Only Event Items!Yesterday we gave you a preview of some of the awesome AC items going rare with this event. But today we want to show off the Member-only items that will be released! Mennace has been hard at work all week Flashing these fantastic objets de guerre (thanks, Google Translate!) aka "weapons," if we're not being fancy.

So, how 'bout a peek?

Pictured above are the:

  • Techno Mage Armor (Color custom!)
  • Techno Hood
  • Dual Resistors
  • Electric Arc
  • Circuitbreaker Blade
  • Static Staff
  • But more will be released!
Join us tomorrow at sundown for the launching of AQWorlds' most SHOCKING musical event yet! Watch Vordred as he attempts to become supercharged and work with the members of Arc Attack to save themselves and the WORLD!

Alina Arc Attack Sam-Glob (blooBy) and king of salvation

July 20, 2011

JohnGetting To Know ArcAttack's DJ!The Countdown continues - only TWO more days until theArcAttack Musical Event this Friday! There's a little bit of Mad Scientist in most artists, and in anyone who has a passion for creation, really. We share that trait with the members of ArcAttack, and we've all been hard at work creating the various parts of this weekend's musical event!

Today we'd like to continue our introduction of the ArcAttack band members with the most rhythmic raver of them all - John! Often going by the alias DJ Gio, he scratches, mixes and makes the beat-bashing beeping sounds that burst from ArcAttack's tracks.

His character was a human captive in the past and so now fights for the freedom of all caged or enslaved things. In Lore's universe, though, he's a riff-rockin' guitar player who dabbles in SCIENCE! whenever he finds himself near CastleMania. You should definitely be DJ-ealous of him, especially when he fixes the mixes that will melt your face off!

AC and Member Event Rare items for this weekend's event!We mentioned yesterday that there will be some EPIC items coming to the ArcAttack event, and today we want to show some of them off! We want to whet your appetite before we ROCK it!

High-voltage AC gear pictured above:

  • Faraday Suit Armor
  • Ride the Lightning Cape
  • Ionic Discharge Staff

AC items for SCIENCE!:

  • Mad Scientist Armor
  • High-Voltage Conductor Mace
  • Experimentation #7 Staff
  • Toxis Resistor Axe
  • And more!

Member-only Helms:

  • Augmented Vision Helm (top right)
  • Toxic Vision Helm (bottom right)
AC Helms:

  • Mad-Eye Scientist Helm (top left)
  • Hypochondriacal Scientist Helm (bottom left)
There will also be non-member items, but we do not have the art for them yet. No art, no preview pictures!

Reminder!AEXtras is still a great way to get FREE ADVENTURECOINS and even FREE BATTLEON POINTS, and with new Inventory, Bank slots and Preimere Event rares to buy there's never been a better time!

 Just CLICK HERE to get started!

Tags: Alina ArcAttack Mad Scientist Faraday
-Glob (blooby)

July 19, 2011

Translated Pages at!Google Translate makes bringing AQW to you easier!We've got a REALLY nice update to and theUpgrade Page! Thanks to Captain Rhubarb, you can now select from a drop-down menu of 50+ languages, including Portuguese, Chinese, Turkish, Spanish, and more!

You'll find a drop-down menu of languages on the left side of the page, underneath the About section.

Remember, we are not the ones translating these pages; that's done by Google Translate. We will not be able to correct typos or mistranslations, but we will laugh along with you if you find any funny, badly-translated phrases!

We hope this makes navigating and it's pages easier for you! What would you think of this feature coming to the Design Notes page? Let us know on the forum!

Tags: Alina Translate 

- king of salvation

July 18, 2011
King BeatGetting To Know ArcAttack's Drummer!The ArcAttack Musical Event is coming THIS FRIDAY, along with an Event Rare shop with lots of theme items, 5 voice acted cutscenes (voices of the band themselves!) and amember only backstage area after the event, (where, among other things, you can take a screenshot in ArcAttack's Faraday Cage!)

We thought it might be cool if we let you know a little bit more about the band and their ground-breaking music by doing a spotlight feature on each of the members of ArcAttack all week long. Today we'll learn a little bit more about ArcAttack's drummer, KING BEAT!

King Beat was actually a king! He was once ruler of a planet called "Battlerock" who
selects their leaders by having a battle of the bands competition every so often instead
of voting. He was eventually beaten, dethroned, scrapped, and ArcAttack pulled him from a garbage dump. They repaired him and King Beat is now the drummer for the band (the band's drummer has been a robot since they started the group).

He is very technically minded but that's not to say that he doesn't have feelings. Arcattack is very lucky to have him on board. The only thing cooler than having a robot for a drummer is having a robot for a drummer who is also the deposed king of an alien world.

Come back tomorrow for more info on the band and come back Friday for the ArcAttack Musical Event! Click 
HERE or click the poster above for more info on the event, the band and even some video clips of the band doing their thing!

This special musical event is leading up to the DoomWood Finale coming up very soon, but this weekend's event is one that you're going to want attend.

New Color Picker Coming This Week. Probably.Yorumi has been hard at work on the new color picker that will continue to allow you to select colors from a grid as we have now but also allow you to change the picker into free-form mode and pick the color you want from a free-form spectrum.

As it is coded now, you will NOT be able to see or enter color values in either hex or RGB so when you pick a color that you like, be sure to remember around where it was!

With a little luck it should be ready to go this week. With a LOT of luck it MIGHT even come out today, but don't hold your breath.

DEADY TOYS ARE RUNNING OUT!Faith (head of HeroMart) has asked me to warn you that we have got only 130 Deady Toys (we started with SEVERAL HUNDRED and they have gone so fast!) left in stock atHeroMart and we will NOT be getting any more as there wer eonly a limited number ever created.

Each of the Deady Toys also comes with the exclusive non-member Samurai Deady pet as featured in our most recent Friday the 13th event with Voltaire!

Each of these toys are collector's items and if you're a fan of Voltaire you really don't want to missl out on them!

Tags: ArcAttack Color Picker Samurai Deady Deady ToyCysero-xavier salvation